
Website Terms and Conditions of Use

Use of and access to this website is subject to the following terms and conditions which you are deemed to accept by accessing this website. UP Education may vary these conditions of use at any time by changing them on this website. While the current version of these conditions of use will be maintained on the web site, we have no obligation to notify you of any changes and recommend that you periodically review this web site for changes.

Our website

The information on this website is general information only. We try to keep the information up to date. However, to the fullest extent permitted by law, we disclaim all warranties, express or implied, in relation to this website - including (without limitation) warranties as to accuracy, completeness and fitness for any particular purpose. You are solely responsible for the actions you take in reliance on the content on this web site.

Access to other Web Sites

This web site contains links to third party web sites. Those web sites are not under our control. The links are provided for convenience and informational purposes only. Accordingly, the inclusion of any link does not imply an endorsement by us of that web site. We are not responsible for the content, validity, accuracy, or the use, of any other web site. You should check the terms and conditions applicable to any other web sites you use or verify such information with the third parties directly.

Unacceptable use

You must not use this website:

  • in any way that causes, or may cause, damage to the website or impairment of the availability or accessibility of the website;

  • in connection with any unlawful, illegal, fraudulent or harmful purpose or activity;

  • to copy, store, host, transmit, send, use, publish or distribute any material which consists of (or is linked to) any malicious computer software;

  • to conduct any systematic or automated data collection activities; or

  • to transmit or send unsolicited commercial communications or for any purposes related to marketing without our written consent

Restricted access

Access to certain areas of this website is restricted and we reserve the right to restrict access.

If we provide you with a user ID and password to enable you to access restricted areas of this website or other content or services, you must ensure that the user ID and password are kept confidential. We may disable your user ID and password without notice or explanation.

Intellectual Property

We own all copyright and other intellectual property rights in this website. All rights are reserved. You may download and temporarily store one of more of these pages for the sole purpose of viewing on a personal computer or mobile device via a web browser and to print pages for your own personal use. Otherwise you must not copy, display, modify, reproduce, store in a retrieval system, transmit (in any form or by any means), distribute, use for creating derivative works or use in any other way for commercial or public purposes any part of this website without our prior written consent.

Please let us know if you believe someone is infringing our rights, by reporting the use to reception@cutabove.co.nz


These website terms and conditions are governed by, and is to be interpreted in accordance with, New Zealand law. Any claims or disputes between us concerning this website will be resolved by the New Zealand courts. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we will not be liable for any failure of this website to comply with the laws of any other country.

Website Privacy Policy

UP Education is committed to protecting your privacy. You can be certain that any information we receive about you will be treated as strictly confidential. We may collect, retain and update personal information provided by you. This information may be collected if you request any particular information or you apply to go on a mailing list.

Personal information we collect via this website is only used for the purposes for which it is collected. For example, if you submit your CV, we will only use the information for recruitment purposes. Your personal information will not be made available to any third party in a manner which enables you to be identified. We will not use or disclose any personal information for any other purpose without your consent. An exception to this is where we may be required by law to disclose certain information.

We use the personal information we collect:

  • To send you shareholder or investor communications, information regarding our schools and programmes and media information

  • for authorising and processing credit card transactions which you enter into online;

  • to assist in providing the services requested by you;

  • for marketing, promotional and publicity purposes, including to carry out direct marketing, email marketing, market research and surveys; and

  • for any other use that you authorise.

If you have given us as your contact information an email address or telephone number, you consent to us contacting you using that email address or telephone number.

We may disclose:

  • all information that we gather, including your personal information to UP Education and its related companies;

  • your personal information to third parties

    • who are acting as our service providers, for example Mail Chimp;

    • when we believe in good faith that we are required to do so by law; or

    • when we have your prior authorisation.

The internet is not a secure environment. If you send us any information, including your email address, it is sent at your own risk.

Information that we collect may be stored and processed in and transferred between any of the countries in which we operate. We may use subcontractors or agents and in doing so, we will require them to use personal information in accordance with these terms.

If you do not provide personal information where requested, we will not be able to provide you the information that you have requested.

  • If you believe that any information that we hold about you is inaccurate or out of date, or you would like to be removed from any UP Education mailing list or similar UP Education service please contact us at reception@cutabove.co.nz and we will take reasonable steps to ensure it is corrected.

  • Any personal information that you provide to us will be collected and held by us at 110 Symonds Street, Auckland, New Zealand. Under the Privacy Act 1993 you have rights of access to and correction of personal information that we hold. If you have any questions how regarding this statement, contact us by email at reception@cutabove.co.nz or by mail to privacy officer, UP Education, PO Box 6199, Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141.


When you use this website, we may store “cookies,” “tags,” or “scripts,” which are strings of code, on your computer. We and our service providers use those cookies to collect information about your visit and your use of our website.

These statistics will not include any information which personally identifies you. You may turn off cookies that have been placed on your computer by following the instructions on your browser.


In these terms and conditions:

  • “We” and “us” refers to UP Education and/or each of its subsidiary companies

  • “You” refers to the person accessing this website;

  • References to this website include all pages of and all information and material on this website; and

  • References to use of this website include access to this website.

  • Please send any comments to reception@cutabove.co.nz